I styled it last saturday at the kitchen table... note monkey, who I *attempted* to use as a styling head. It didn't work, so I tried a rabbit belonging to my sister... then I tried propping the rabbit up with the monkey (at this point, I got yelled at by the little sister, and laughed at by little brother's friend.) 

Ta-da. Monkeys should not give rabbits piggy-back rides... This is what happens when there is 10,000 stuffed animals all over the house. 

The back of the wig, admitst-styling. Doesn't look that great yet. Oh and FYI, the synthetic hair doesn't hold a curl. I tried. I think I should dunk each curl into boiling water to hold it...

And here's my setup for styling head which WORKED! Metal pumpkin on top of wood pumpkin. We have a lot of pumpkins around here at halloween. 

Here's the wig, lookign much better! I later braided those little white ribbons in back into the hair in teeny little braids. 

Me, wearing it. I take my own pictures, thus funky expressions and poorly-angled shots... Note black-and-white braid. 
A rather-poor shot of the back. You can kinda see the general shape that I liked, though. Note family-tree poster from my spanish class.

For amusment's sake, you can see that I pulled the back into a pony while styling, and it got messed up big time...

A better shot of the back, and a rather poor one of my face....

Note that I've left my bangs out. It looked totally horrible to tuck them in, so I'll be dying them orange for halloween. (black or white would look better, but white would mean bleaching, and black would stay stained longer, and the dress code at my school doesn't allow for unnatural hair coloring.) Orange won't be *too* noticable because my hair is already strawberry. In fact my brother used to call me "Ginny" (Ron's little sister in Harry Potter) before I got my hair lopped off to under-chin-length.

The monkey wearing the wig! Hehe

...One of the scarcrows in front of our house wearing the wig.... Her name is Sweet Betsy from Pike (Yes, when she showed up I was in like 4th grade and using songs to learn my American history.)

The front of our house, which I hung lovely leaf-garlands around... no, the garland aren't long enough. I'm *trying* to use Betsy and Ike to hide that. Note monkey.

My dress. I attached ribbons to the hangings and apron to attach them to the dress with....

Ha. The dress again. Note metal pockethoop-boning, stockings, and sewing machine. The dress is getting a bit neglected because I've been busy, and a bit ill. I fell asleep while doing homework today, something I haven't ever done before, honest... but when I'm sick I get a whacked anyway....

A rather-poor shot of the back. You can kinda see the general shape that I liked, though. Note family-tree poster from my spanish class.

For amusment's sake, you can see that I pulled the back into a pony while styling, and it got messed up big time...

A better shot of the back, and a rather poor one of my face....

Note that I've left my bangs out. It looked totally horrible to tuck them in, so I'll be dying them orange for halloween. (black or white would look better, but white would mean bleaching, and black would stay stained longer, and the dress code at my school doesn't allow for unnatural hair coloring.) Orange won't be *too* noticable because my hair is already strawberry. In fact my brother used to call me "Ginny" (Ron's little sister in Harry Potter) before I got my hair lopped off to under-chin-length.

The monkey wearing the wig! Hehe

...One of the scarcrows in front of our house wearing the wig.... Her name is Sweet Betsy from Pike (Yes, when she showed up I was in like 4th grade and using songs to learn my American history.)

The front of our house, which I hung lovely leaf-garlands around... no, the garland aren't long enough. I'm *trying* to use Betsy and Ike to hide that. Note monkey.

My dress. I attached ribbons to the hangings and apron to attach them to the dress with....

Ha. The dress again. Note metal pockethoop-boning, stockings, and sewing machine. The dress is getting a bit neglected because I've been busy, and a bit ill. I fell asleep while doing homework today, something I haven't ever done before, honest... but when I'm sick I get a whacked anyway....
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