Sunday, October 11, 2009

The halloween dress: fittings, dressforms and wings

Yes, the halloween dress again. I'm not working on much else, actually. (Well I made a mockup of another pair of 18th century stays, the stays I vowed not to make, but whatever, I have the need for a 18th century ponolaise, which won't work with my current stays...) This is my favorite pic! My mom was taking pics, and she was like "This camera doesn't work," and I was like "Let me see! My camera's been acting up recently..." and they she's like "NOW it works!" ...and this is what we got of that.

Back of corset. In this pic all of the hanging are just pinned on the skirt, but I've since sewn them on. Yes, I'm wearing my little green dress under. I can't help it, I have lots of other clothes but I <3 style="MARGIN: 0px 10px 10px 0px; WIDTH: 300px; FLOAT: left; HEIGHT: 400px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5391532695189441250" border="0" alt="" src=",+2009+007.jpg">

The back again... you can see that I haven't put the back waterfall (or whatever it is) on, just the hangings.

The front. Not that there's no binding on the top edge yet! Hm, didn't notice this before, but the apron/side hangings look uneven.... eeeps! Oh well, can't unpick all that, it's just a COSTUME anyway, not historical. I mean, I'm going to have a giant pair of BAT WINGS coming out my back! (You're wondering, "Coming out her back?!?" Read on, then. =P)

Side.... It doesn't seem very floofy, does it? I thought about petticoats, but 1) I want to have the stockings showing 2) it's really warm already with just these layers!

Okay, so all the laundry-baskets were being used today... I fussed around trying to figure out what to do, but then (ah-ha) water cooler-thing! Y'know, it has a giant water bottle on top... very handy. I used it as a dressform. =P You can see that I've attached the peplum and back floofy-skirt-hangings now.

My mom took action shots... she thought it was really funny. At least now you can see how I dress on a normal day. Horray for Roxy tshirts! I ALWAYS wear roxy, it seems....

close-up. Note box of pins on mother's desk.

What? You don't think it adds to the decor? (Yes, little sister was watching Horton the Elephant or something on the tv while I did this.)

And again... note tapes used for putting side-hangings and apron. Very handy, though probably horribly non-historical. Well this is a non-historial outfit!

The inside of the skirt's waistband before I cut the excess ribbon that was used as tapes. Not the sissors match color theme.

Extra tapes! Most of them went to good use!

Excess tape making loop for peplum or waterfalls (don't remember which) to tie on with. I had to have some way to get into the skirt (there's a slit, if you recall from earlier post[s]) so I had to have the peplum and waterfall sewn on only halfway, with the other half tied onto the other side. I used long ribbons on the edge of the peplum and the waterfall, with loops on the actual skirt to tie the ribbons onto. I THINK it will work. Or at least it had better. =P

The skirt flopped on the rug. Lovely, it could be a really weird tiger. (I think my 9-year-old brother's calvin and hobbles recitations are getting to me.... joy...)

13-year-old brother cutting boning for my wings! My dad helped too. I have many family members helping me. =P You can KIND OF see the wing cut-out.... They are (hopefully) going to tie around my shoulders or something and stick out in back. If it isn't pockethoops, it's wings! Yay! I have to take up as much space as possible!


On the floor tonight... you can see the shape, at least....

Yay finished corset! Well, except for whatever fluffy trim I decide to put on it.... but it's wearable now (as in it fits and has full binding!)

Corset-ribbon =P... I'll use matching colors the actual night of!

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