So hey. School starts tomorrow, so I'm going to say here and now, don't expect a boatload of posts. I mean, I hate it when people say that, but it's true, it's just not summer anymore and I just won't have as much time. So here's something to keep you mildly busy: a small sampling of the stuff I've sketched recently. This is by no means everything, but just a bit of it. After all, some of what I do has spoilers for my book and such.
These two are from when I attempted to manga-ize a scene in my book. It fell through, but hey, HL turned out looking pretty good. Or, at least better than that atrocity that was my colored painting...

Some random vampire boy. I was going to shade his hair in, but he looked so pretty that I figured, why mess with perfection? He's part of my practice in drawing boys---I can draw girls, but not boys. I'm trying to get better.
Yes, I know Peter's name is hard to read. That's because you aren't really supposed to know what his last name is, yet. Not that it's important or anything, I just don't want to give away too much about the book yet. So, if you can read it, great, if you can't, I'm not explaining, sorry!

There's lots of things going on in this drawing that quite frankly would be spoilers for the whole series if I told you what they are. You can try to figure them out yourself, though.
Close-up. I love all five of these guys so much it hurts. They're just like that. It's funny how fictional characters can mess with a person's head, huh?
Yes, HL lying on the grass again. Note the same drawings as the one above, though.
Haha, Matty and Peter. The only thing really going here is that I learned that I like all the dangly bandages. Must draw those again sometime.
I dunno exactly what HL's doing with his hand, and you might be able to recognize the girl (my brother could, at least...)
And again, HL, on some small, very grainy paper. It feels much different to draw on a rough paper as opposed to a smooth one. This is what I get for not checking my paper when I was still in the store. I decided to keep with the notebook though, because I should learn how to draw on different surfaces.
Also, a practice in perspective, which quite frankly I'm hoooorible at. I've never really taken a class for stuff like that, so I'm teaching myself. It's kind of interesting, but I don't always get great results. (read: never.) So in review, lotsa sketches, leaving for school and maybe less posts.
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