First and most obviously, the "Is Vlad going to choose Snow or Meredith?" argument.
Well, it was Snow. Oh, big surprise. I WAS a Team Meredith, but in book five, Meredith sort of got...whatever a girl version of a jerk would be. She was always mysterious, but there was no mystery at all---she was just shallow. I don't see what Joss saw in her, but hey, they like eachother? Yays for them.
When Snow entered the story, she seemed to be too perfect, and just a tool for the makings of the 'love triangle' that all cool books are flaunting this season. But in book five---she became a real person. Especially since she and Vlad's frosting fight---seriously, one of my favorite literary scenes ever. ("If Nelly finds out, you are dead.")
So while Meredith proved herself shallow, Snow proved herself to really have something to her.
Second, the deaths. I understand that D'Ablo needed to leave the story quickly, and that was an excellent opener for several reasons:
- First, that he just needed to leave the story.
- Second, that a opener that was shocking was needed.
- Thirdly and most importantly, it provided a opening for the book that wasn't Vlad confronting his dad---that would have been very awkward, for the reasons that new readers might not get what was happening, and it would be pretty anticlimactic to open the book with an explanation of what was happening.
Like Dumbledore, Nelly will live on in our hearts.
Also, Snow's "death." It didn't convince me. Realistically, knowing Vlad, he should have been ON THE FLOOR next to her body bawling, and not being able to get up, maybe even going into shock. He was far to composed. But I am glad she isn't dead.
Tomas. This isn't exactly his death, but his whole part in the book was awkward and it didn't totally agree with the earlier books. And who got burned up with Mellina? Maybe I just didn't read well enough?
Also, is Vlad going to age and eventually die when Snow doesn't? That would seriously break Snow's heart. Or is it that his Pravus powers make it that he doesn't age? I wish I knew...
One more thing:
HenryxOctober=cutest thing ever! Awwww!
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