Told'ya I'd get my camera back. Go having your name/phone on your electronics.

...my brother, doing the Star Trek sign in front of a giant carrot.

...and ned

...and roo, and wesley's hat

...and my hand---the nail polish is my new summer thing---gone are the blacks and pinks of winter; I fully intend to have my nails painted Mad Colors all summer. So far, everyone but my grandmother and my friend's younger sister have thought that I am NUTS.

Alice and Wonderland, which of course is madly popular after the movie came out. I haven't seen it yet. If ever.

seeing a pattern?

Us as shoe-wearers---my little sis is flip-flops all the way, I'm converse, and the rest of the fam, including ned who isn't in the pic, wear running shoes, which I resolutely refuse to wear except for during cross-country.

...in case you're wondering, the pics were taken on two different days---I lost my camera five seconds in the first time, then got it back, but hey, less than a week difference.

we tried out those weird canoes. Uh, not for those with coordination/bad joints. (that would be me, FYI). Also, those boats are oh-so-totally motor powered. Sooooo obvious.

This kid loooooves pickles. And explorer vests, and Mountain Dew hats.

Peace, Trek, and Dynamite

The. Leaves. Are. Shaped. Like. Hearts. Awesome.


...And Trek

Y'wanna know what's sad? We don't even WATCH Star Trek, I forgot who Spock was (but I think he's the one with the awful eyebrows), and is the Enterprise good or bad? ..."Watching Trek" is on the summer to-do list.

how can he wear these things and look halfway decent? ...is it because he's awesome? I think it's because he's awesome.

And Trek

Wes tries do the Trek sign... uh, leave that up to Nate. And Spock, whoever he is.... =P

I am on the ride. I'm behind Ned. See? And I look pretty weird...

Wes and Pooh


Look, Peter Pan and Wendy

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