The long-overdue valentine fairy not-a-photoshoot
You'd think a girl who's in her sophomore year of highschool would be too old for fairies, right? Uh.. yeah. You're right. ...which doesn't stop me from messing with all types of fairy foolishness. My handmade-by-me fairy collection has swelled a bit, from the original two fairies to three more. I *was* going to give them a bit of a photoshoot, but obviously that didn't happen. The kitchen table must suffice. =P 

Yes, I am painfully aware that they're very bald at the time being. I have yet to find them wigs, and since I've not had a great history of wig styling, I've decided to buy those. Except where from, is the mystery. But at the moment I'm quite used to them bald, bizarre as it is.

...Also, my polyclay food stuff I made, used for decoration for my sister's bday. The fairies were here as well, but obviously this wasn't with the birthday posts, because as aforestated I never got around to the photoshoot-that-wasn't. 

...One of the fairies give a clue as to my next post... =)
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