So yeah, went on another trip. Does that surprise you??

It's cold in washington, or it is as compared to CA! The birdbath had a layer of ICE on it when I went outside the first morning of our trip.

Yes, this is the post where you get formally introduced to my siblings! Here's my sister, Ruth, next to the swingset in front of the house. Note frost. It didn't snow, sad, but ah well!

Yes, I HAVE to take pictures of my boots. It's like my thing.

Awe the leaves look SO pretty with frost one them.

Ruth! Isn't she CUTE??

And the boots....

I really think it's pretty up there. This is taken at the road. My sister and I went on a small adventure, see....

The frost. Regognize that area in the background? I've posted pics of it before....

And a different area.... my late grandfather owned a lot of property.

Look at how the fog is coming down so you can see the tops of the trees, yet still so thick below you can't see anything. An uncle pointed this out. Picture taken through the breakfast-nook window.

I dragged all of my siblings out for a photoshoot as well. It was semi-successful.... Brothers in a apple tree! Sorry about glare! Poor brothers....

In age order, Nate/Nathan/Neddy/Ned, Wesley/Wes/Woopert/Woo/THAT KID!, Ruth/Ruthie/Roo/LD.

And again.... so glad they dressed pretty cute that morning!

And in the forest.

My brother Ned took this pic! SISTERS! Lol

There were these four big rocks, so I told them to sit down there for photos, and Ruth wanted to take off her hat and scarf, but I wouldn't let her, and told her they looked good because they were matching. From then on she hammed up the hat and scarf for the photos....

We decided to drag a log over as a makeshift tripod so I could be in the picture as well!

The rolled it.... I helped... but took pictures too.... okay. I didn't really help much.

Same... unfortunately, Little Sister heard a dog barking, and she thought it might be my late grandfather's pomeranian "Pippin" so she tore off running and we all tore off following her. Thus no rock photos. =D

I got the two littlest ones in the gazebo though, once the dog had stopped barking.

Okay. Not as good of Wes as of Roo!

PIPPIN! She's now been adopted again, but she generally comes, with her owner, to the house and property, five days a week.


My shoes! Yay my shoes.

PIPPIN.... and the next photos are pretty much awesome. Just watch!

Me, looking very freckily! Like was a girl Ron Weasley! Lol


Yes, Neddy and I went on an adventure!

Don't worry, we had a map.

We're treehuggers! Lol

Maps are things that make people happy!

Yes, he really is that much taller than me.

He's pretty good in the track and field department...

I balance on logs....

Neddy conquers on logs!

Someone nailed a lizard onto the tree! It's alive! Jk it's plastic!

My boots.... told you they were my signature! It's kinda interesting to see them gain and loose messiness, though, don't you think?

*gasp* something that isn't a boot?!?!

Bark. On a tree. Or, actually I don't remember.

A leaf....

fuzzy indirect shot of a mossy tree.

Life is an adventure, or at least mine is. Are you ready for some adventure sometime soon? =)
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