Saturday, January 16, 2010

In which my own sewing continues to eat away my closet space...

I've made another skirt this morning.  Horray for weekends from school, or, as we learned in spanish friday, "Fin de semana."  Anyway.  It's made out of a lovely silk I had a yard of.... I know, silk for modern, but it was a VERY modern silk!  What in the 18th century has raised stitching lines???  Sorry for the bad quality of pictures; I took them with the webcam on my computer. 
What I learned from making this skirt is that someone who's five-feet-eight-inches like me really needs more than 50 inches of fabric in her skirt.  Ah, well. 
I've also learned recently, just after making my 1940's pants, which I have yet to post pictures of, is that while I have a size five waist, I have size zero hips for junior sizing.  That's a big difference =)  Well, it's hereditary!  My mum is exactly the same way!  We're shaped like logs, lol!  Except for fitting patterns, I really quite don't mind. 
But in the last two days I've made most of a blouse (didn't work...!), a pair of wide-legged 1940's style pants (well, a wearable mockup kinda thing... If I find the whim to wear them, I can) and then this skirt.  Not too shabby I don't think!

Also, I'm thinking about going out for cross-country next school year.  Except for the school doesn't have a girls' cross-country team.  So I suppose I'll just run with the boys....

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