Anyhoo, this is the skirt I made over the past few days: cut out last night, and then sewn today. You can't see it, but it's a calico in a red-brown, with white lace trim and two tucks near the edge of the skirt.

I made more SKIRTS! Or, in other words, my own sewing and refashions are slowly eating away my closet space. At least it's cheap....

See! The multi-colored plaid skirt! Yes, hanging on one of the lamps. Yes, clashing horribly with my pink walls! Note dragon(s). See if you can find them!!!
Also note three small pink pigs.

The green plaid skirt... no, not new. Just it had to be with the rest of its group, see.... One dragon this picture.

This one is new though!!! I made it out of this absoutely lovely fabric I had; it is very crisp and nearly shiny! It's my picnic skirt, I think.... To be worn this spring and summer, hopefully. Yes, made this afternoon.... And yes, it had to be pieced from the limited about of fabric I had but STILL! I plan to wear it with a little white cami. Maybe. =P 

Fabric close up. The bias-cut is the waistband.
All four skirts were made without a pattern, only my measurements. The summer skirts hit the top of the knee in length, while the winter ones are longer. No, not exactly fashionable, but sixty or seventy years ago these were the perfect lengths, and we all know my current obsession with vintage....
Perhaps I should have added that it is Christmas Vacation from school right now, thus the sewing in the middle of the day! =D