I've been working on the halloween costumes again... I don't remember if I've posted on costume number two, but if I have, you'll just have to sleep through the parts about it... anyway, the embroidery is going nicely (obviously, I had a lecture to listen to) and I finally have a purpose for embroidering it. More on that later; now:

I've been working on the wings more now. I tried boning them with my standard pockethoop boning. Very odd pics of me, I know...

the ends of the boning are tucked into my corset; I found that idea online! It worked quite nicely. 

Rather floppy, don't you think? 

I then tried it with (what else?) coat hangers! Y'know, the wire kind? It worked a lot better, but notice the uneveness of height/angle...
Wow horrid pic of me. (I've been a bit ill, in fact did almost no homework today.) But the wings! I got the coat hangers to bend the correct ways for "takeoff." Bad pun I know.

The back. I'm wearing all modern things under the corset, so it will lace much tighter (and therefore hold the wings better, hopefully) when I wear the corset correctly.

...My mum, sister and I went shopping last weekend as well. The candy corn here is for cookies... we've since eaten a bag of it (hm, no wonder my emergency-before-halloween diet is not going so well...)

Also, we picked up a second pair of tights in case I run mine, orange eyeliner and lipstick (yay so fun to do makup strange!) and fake eyelashes with little plastic gems on them.

....And SHOES! Wonderful halloweenly victorian shoes! Aren't they gorgeous? I absolutely love them!

Spiderwebs, for decoration....

And fabric for my second costume, a victorian-inspired girly apron and bloomer set. It should be darling. (I've misplaced my drawing of the costume, or I'd post it. For now you'll just have to trust me it'll be lovely.)

Close-up of spider fabric for one side of apron. Darling, isn't it? A lucky find, actually.

...And for the other side, candy corn of course. So cute!

A bit out-of-order, but we found black temporary hair spray (I didn't think we'd be able to find that!) and colored skin paint. I plan to use it for 18th century also, it looking to be the right colors.

Oh, and a witch hat.... this is getting to be a complicated costume. =P We actually this hat is for the little aproned costume. 
Me with the hat on. It is a bit hard to take pics of yourself... pity I didn't get a pic of my little sister in it, actually, she walked around Target wearing it!

The current positioning of my costume.

I was originally intending to use this ribbon for a necklace for the bat costume (can't get away from the 18th century, can I?!?) but it appeared too wide.

I decided on this one instead. It looks quite nice.

But, foolishly, I decided to bead-embroider a bit of the thick stuff, and when I tried the bead-embroidered on, it looked like it was choking me or something! It would be a better garter...

Beading and embroidery for halloween apron.

Bead-embroidered witch's hat! Wonder what Hermione Granger would have to say about that...

And, finally, you find out about my embroidery. I'm using it as the front piece of one side of my apron! Notice that it is fairly charted out in ink! I know, putting one pic at the beginning and the other at the end... but it made you read it, didn't it? Hehe it meant you saw my new adorable halloween shoes! =P

Wow horrid pic of me. (I've been a bit ill, in fact did almost no homework today.) But the wings! I got the coat hangers to bend the correct ways for "takeoff." Bad pun I know.

The back. I'm wearing all modern things under the corset, so it will lace much tighter (and therefore hold the wings better, hopefully) when I wear the corset correctly.

...My mum, sister and I went shopping last weekend as well. The candy corn here is for cookies... we've since eaten a bag of it (hm, no wonder my emergency-before-halloween diet is not going so well...)

Also, we picked up a second pair of tights in case I run mine, orange eyeliner and lipstick (yay so fun to do makup strange!) and fake eyelashes with little plastic gems on them.

....And SHOES! Wonderful halloweenly victorian shoes! Aren't they gorgeous? I absolutely love them!

Spiderwebs, for decoration....

And fabric for my second costume, a victorian-inspired girly apron and bloomer set. It should be darling. (I've misplaced my drawing of the costume, or I'd post it. For now you'll just have to trust me it'll be lovely.)

Close-up of spider fabric for one side of apron. Darling, isn't it? A lucky find, actually.

...And for the other side, candy corn of course. So cute!

A bit out-of-order, but we found black temporary hair spray (I didn't think we'd be able to find that!) and colored skin paint. I plan to use it for 18th century also, it looking to be the right colors.

Oh, and a witch hat.... this is getting to be a complicated costume. =P We actually this hat is for the little aproned costume.
My little brother and sis LOVE the hat; my mum advised me to hide it from them. =P

Me with the hat on. It is a bit hard to take pics of yourself... pity I didn't get a pic of my little sister in it, actually, she walked around Target wearing it!

The current positioning of my costume.

I was originally intending to use this ribbon for a necklace for the bat costume (can't get away from the 18th century, can I?!?) but it appeared too wide.

I decided on this one instead. It looks quite nice.

But, foolishly, I decided to bead-embroider a bit of the thick stuff, and when I tried the bead-embroidered on, it looked like it was choking me or something! It would be a better garter...

Beading and embroidery for halloween apron.

Bead-embroidered witch's hat! Wonder what Hermione Granger would have to say about that...

And, finally, you find out about my embroidery. I'm using it as the front piece of one side of my apron! Notice that it is fairly charted out in ink! I know, putting one pic at the beginning and the other at the end... but it made you read it, didn't it? Hehe it meant you saw my new adorable halloween shoes! =P
Do we get to know anything about the green font yet??