I know, I haven't posted for ten days. Ten days! But I've been worse than this before, and trust me, I do love some of these pics. 

Now this one here... this captures so much, in a bit of camera and computer space. 
These are from when we got a cat or skunk or something in our garage... never figured out if it was actually in there... And yes, my lovely mum is in these! Horray, now you bloggie people are actually meeting my family.... lil sister roo in the foreground.

This picture also captures a lot of my bro and sis.... it's very them. Except for the vampire circles under wes' eyes... dunno where those came from...
me. As for me myself, I've been pondering my novel and practicing for cross-country next fall. No, I'm not crazy! It's tons of fun. I'm not that good yet...

Roo and I's feet. Even our feet tell so much about us. She's obviously the one in the speedo sandals, her being a swimmer, and I'm the one with the battered rainbows.
....No, I haven't been sewing lately (just haven't been inspired in that department!) but I have been helping my mum with the cooking. Here's several components of my ten-topping salad (it went over really well, I suppose, being that no one called the cheese 'rubber' or elsewise....)

...And bread. You know you've seem my bread lumps before, as they were about to be made pizzas at my sis' b-day party. 

Bread dough makes excellent buns, too, a recipe I've made up with some of my mum's favorite bread recipe and a few smatterings of fillings.

Balloons are lovely things. They were meant to go home with the kids after the birthday party, but quite frankly we forgot to do so. So they've been floating around our family room, the strings tangling everywhere, until my 10-year-old brother snapped all the ribbons everywhere. Now they're like shiny, pretty red beetles floating on our ceiling. I don't know how to name the effect they give.