Monday, August 31, 2009

The first costume gown

Okay. Fine. This is my first costume. Completely unhistoric (has a zipper down the back and the stomacher is attached). Laugh all you want.

The panniers were made out of old coathangers... (note brother's jeans, as I took this pic at his desk... he helped bend them metal)

Horrid, aren't they?!?! As unhistoric as you get. I had to keep bending them over the course of the one night I wore this dress.

A sleeve..... (note our fairly tacky fall tablecloth)

The bodie, or at least some of it! Note fabulous lace that my aunt got for me. It was probably the best part of the francaise, in my opinion!

Side view... the pleats aren't attached in the back, but I've seen one extant francaise with unattached pleats, so it's OKAY. (though I highly doubt that francaise's pleats were attached with velcro.)

The back, from which it looks the most like a TRUE francaise!

I do love this shot, though... note my 18th century chair thingies and also my fabulous candy-handing-out dish...

My hair turned out FABULOUS, I think. My mom did it off a video we found on youtube!! Note lovely little choker, attached by velcro, and un-historical makeup. I didn't look up 18th century makeup until the day of, so thus I was like "WHAT?!?! They didn't wear mascara at ALL in the 18th century?!?!" so I put it on anyway, concluding that the site I got my info from must have made a mistake. Of course later I found out that the site was right...

Nobody who came to the door seemed to know who I was. I got "Belle" from a cute little girl (wearing a Jasmine costume!) and "Are you Cleopatra?" from some junior high kid. Which was halarious.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


That's a way to start, right???

I intend to use this little blog to showcase my sewing projects (I can never seem to get any on project done) and go through plotline ideas and plotholes in my novel that I'm writing.

You might notice the small, quaint splashes of green around the blog... that's in relation to the novel too, of course. Green is a VERY IMPORTANT color to this little book!

Oh, the book. It's a fantasy novel, about a girl my age--- like me, but tweaked. She's much shorter and smaller than me, but added to---I have strawberry hair, so therefore hers is red. My eyes are a light green, hers are really bright green. Like that. I didn't MEAN for her to be like that, trust me!

And the costuming---it likes to change itself too, though not like the book characters, who have minds of their own.

well, I suppose that's enough for a first post, right? From now on I'll try to document my sewing projects...
